Everything is fine now but I still want to leave a trace of what I have experienced this past two weeks. So I had my one week spring break and went to Monterey Bay(a place about 5 1/2 hours North of LA) with my girlfriend and had a lot of fun. It was a very scenic place(I will post some pics later). And we also went whale watching there. It was a great experience, first time seeing this huge mammal with my naked eyes, but I thought it would be more spectacular if I could be closer to the whales. Anyway, it was still great.
Here comes the disaster. Coming back from spring break, on the second day of class, I got food poisoning. I BET IT MUST BE THOSE ARTICHOKES!!! I vomitted a lot of green stuffs, had high fever, felt very cold, had headache, nightmares, couldn't sleep well, felt like vomitting during sleep but could not vomit, and a little diarrhea. It was really bad, believe me, you won't want to get food poisoned even once. So please eat wisely and know what you are eating and what you can't eat.
Although it was bad but I went through it and learned a very valuable lesson. Also I learned to appreciate my good health when I'm in good health. Sometimes people just forget that just being healthy is a fortune.
Happy eating!