Saturday, March 04, 2006

The unexpected

I believe many of you will agree with me that there is at least one, if not many "unexpected's" in life. And one just happened to me.

So I was all excited and ready to visit Kyoto for the first time, with my full camera gear packed, heading to take the bus that will bring me away from Tokyo at t=2130.

2100 Arrived at the designated waiting place and waited for the bus
2110 Bus did not appear
2120 Bus still did not appear
2130 Got a call from the bus company
Bus left Tokyo without me

Great! There goes my carefully planned weekend. Turned out that I got confused with the waiting place, waited at the lobby of a hotel instead of the basement parking lot of the same hotel. I was so close, but being merely close simply doesn't do.

Life is full of the unexpected's.

To return the favor, I gave unexpected its share of unexpected.

Kyoto would have to wait till next weekend, while I woke up at 0400 and headed to Oshinomura (near Mt Fuji) this morning . Thanks to the unexpected, here are some shots from the trip. Enjoy.

Enough ranting for now. Did I say enjoy?


*Rin said...

I think that the unexpected has turned out pretty darn gorgeous for you actually. I have been wishin for a miracle snow in Spore since childhood. Green with envy.
Did you spot any snowmans? =)

& besides,whats life without the little dissapointments and suddenly callin to places or people? Hope you get to Kyoto with sucess next week, & the pics would tell a story of their own. I look forward!

& Again i have to say, im a fan. But perhaps this time the cold just numbed the usual warmth i felt from you usual pics. Nonetheless beautiful.

jhtham said...

Thanks for your kind comments. I will continue to improve my work.

Anonymous said...

i see our friend beat me in complimenting our lovely cousin... i'm still sincere in my appreciation :) though what i wanna say is this is one of the nicest rantings i've read so far. i like things that loop one neat n coherent circle and conclude at the beginning... if you can tell what i mean.
and yes of cos i like your pictures too. aren't you gonna put up any of your lovely portraits (shot by me...)?