Thursday, November 11, 2004


Can someone's future be potentially promising yet somewhat dissatisfactory at the same time?

It's the time of the life to make "the" decision. I have been thinking a lot lately about this major if not the most important transition period in life. Where do I go after college? As I'm under a scholarship, things get a lot more complicated. Furthermore, as it does not only involve myself, it became even more difficult to make a decision that will create a win-win situation for everyone. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have to rely on a scholarship (or in this case a scholarship that applies constraints), so that I have the full flexibility in terms of choosing my own future. Of course I still have the freedom to do so, to some degree. I guess that's the price I have to pay. Thinking about it, I do appreciate the "free money" as without it, I wouldn't be what I am today. "Appreciate whatever is happening to you", an SGI leader once told me. I shall remember his words.

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