Tuesday, November 09, 2004

It's coming to an end

Time to take a study break after burying my head in a sea of feedback circuits for hours. It has been a long day. Actually I chose to do as much as I could today to compesate for my laziness on Sunday. Believe it or not, I went to bed although that wasn't my plan and slept through the entire Sunday night right after a late dinner. I wonder if it's just me, once I have fallen asleep, I would give myself all sorts of excuses to continue my sleep although I have told myself to wake up after so and so hours. To make things worse, my dreams make me more reluctant to wake up. And they never fail.

Suddenly, I realized that this semester is coming to an end. To be exact, there are only 4 weeks left. And in terms of football, there are only 3 games left. What am I going to do without football in Spring semester? And in the future if I were to leave the States...

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